Upload your first building

1. Create your first project in Finch

  • Navigate to the Projects page on the web-app and select Create New. Give your project a name, and hit OK.

2. Load the project into Revit

  • Switch over to Revit and open the Finch plug-in, and select your new project and variant from the drop-down menus under the Project tab.

You can only upload a Revit mass to an empty Finch variant.

3. Create a building mass

  • Create a Revit mass

4. Create a Centerline

This step is only relevant for Finch AI users, in order to run the Generate Floor Plate Algorithm.

  • Under the Architecture tab, select Model Line.

  • Draw a centerline across the length of the building, hit Modify to close it.

  • In the Model Line Properties panel, change the Line Style to Centerline and hit Apply.

5. Upload

  • In the Finch plug-in, select Massing and Upload Massing.

  • The plug-in will display Uploading Mass Finished once the mass has been uploaded.

Video Tutorial - Upload your first building

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